Thursday, July 16, 2009

Slow open Word, Excel and PowerPoint

If the problem is ONLY when you double-click on a file to open it. the
problem is likely due to DDE. It can be fixed by reinstalling, OR this

Go to Control Panel, Folder Options, File Types, scroll down to and
select (DOC for Word files) or XLS (for Excel files), click Advanced,
select Open entry, click the edit Button.
Now uncheck "Use DDE" and then put your cursor in the Application box,
arrow all the way to the right and put in "%1" (include the quote
marks), IF there is /dde remove it. Then OK you way out. Things should
work quickly again.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Exchange Server Failed to Send Email to AOL or Yahoo

Please perform these steps to solve the problem:

1. Make sure that you have a PTR (reverse) DNS record for your mail server. If you don't have one AOL will not accept your mail. It does not have to match the A used for your mail server or your MX record, and doesn't have to make sense.. you just have to have one.

a. Go to

b. Type in your public IP for your Exchange server. (If you do not know the IP, log into your Exchange server and go to to find the IP).

c. Click “Submit” to see the result. If you get “Success!”, your server PTR is fine. Otherwise, you need contact your ISP to put a PTR DNS for you.

2. Verify your DNS Capability to resolve AOL’s MX record

Open command line. Type in “nslookup –q=mx”. If you get something like these, you are fine



Non-authoritative answer: MX preference = 15, mail exchanger = MX preference = 15, mail exchanger = MX preference = 15, mail exchanger = MX preference = 15, mail exchanger =

3. Perform Telnet [Very Important] to get an error code

a. From a Command Line prompt, type: telnet

b. You may get 554 error right away.

554- (RTR:CH)

554 Connecting IP:

Connection to host lost.

c. If not, type: HELO

d. If you receive “250 OK”, then type: MAIL FROM:<>

e. If you receive “250 OK”, then type: RCPT TO:<>

f. Type: DATA

g. Type a brief message, followed by <Enter&gt;.<Enter> (Type a period on a line by itself, then hit ENTER.)

h. If you get any error, write it down. Otherwise you will see this:

4. Analyze the error code and send request to AOL postmaster if needed.

If you receive an error message like this:

421-: (RLY:CH)

Your server are on the blacklist of AOL and is being blocked. Go here to send a request to remove your IPs from the blacklist. When you submit the request, do not list just your server IP. Better list all your company IPs. Otherwise, you need submit the request again if you setup another SMTP server in your company in the future.

For other errors and request forms, please go to to get more information.

If you are blocked by Yahoo or SBCGlobal, send request here: